We spent Labor Day at Gooseridge Farm (a.k.a Pap-paw and Mam-maw's house)
Here is Asher and mommy riding the horse. He was a little nervous.
Good thing Uncle Yancey had the reigns and walked us very slowly.
Asher was right at home on the four-wheeler. He loves to drive.
Karis ended up riding with mommy on the horse too,
but here she is being brave.
Malachi would have taken off on his own, if we would have let him!
Cooling off in the shade...
We had a great time over Labor Day, but we were back to work on Tuesday having more fun.
Here are the B-sound balloons we made.
All the pictures on the balloons begin with the "Buh" sound.

Our science experiment worked this week.
Maybe that can be attributed to the fact that we did it while Asher was sleeping.
We played with bottles, straws, and balloons underwater
and watched the bubbles escape into the water. Air is everywhere!
Of course a big bucket of water led to the idea of making soup for lunch...

Then we recorded our scientific findings...

The highlight in math this week was number recognition:
making birds with a specific number of feathers.
Malachi is so excited about the worm we made for
his bird to eat (it's hanging out of the birds mouth).
Of course Malachi had to make a nest for the bird the next day.
We had lots of fun learning experiences this week,
but being beavers was our favorite! Here are our two beaver buddies:
If you are really quiet and look very closely, you might see a little beaver swimming up his underwater tunnel to get into his lodge to sleep.

Well, that is all the highlights of our week.
We'll see you all next time!