Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Who am I?

No, I'm not a Cardinals baseball player.

No, I'm not Batman.

No, I'm not a pirate or a knight.

I'm Darth Vader!

Friday, October 21, 2011

End of Unit 1 Catch-Up

Well, despite the lack of posts, school has been in session.  We just finished our first unit of study!  Here are some pictures from the past 2 months that will give you some idea of what we have been up to.

Egyptian painters of tomb walls:

Constructing a pint-sized Ziggurat:

The Fertile Crescent:

The Epic of Gilgamesh:

Trying our hand at Cuneiform:

 Working together to weave the rope into our "traveling table"- similar to one Abraham may have used:

When the meal is finished, just pull the drawstring up around all the dinnerware: 

Those crazy Israelites and their golden calf:

God taught those crazies how to live and worship him:

I admit, this looks an awful lot like we started a culinary school here at the Wilson home; but use your imagination to see that this is a very jubilant Aaron, the High Priest of Israel.

Too bad this playdoh-dude has no bones because now we know how important they are and what they do for us!

This puzzle was quite a challenge for us, but we did it! Though Mr. Bones can't take any credit for it, Malachi just had to have him in the picture- scary skeletons are right up his alley.

In learning about some of the holidays and festivals God told the Hebrew people to celebrate so as to never forget what He has done, we tried our hand at Challah bread:

We made more than one mistake, including leaving it in the oven too long.

Flitting like birds to Vivaldi's concerto "Spring":

Mini-Giotto's at work making their own paint out of chalk and egg yolk:

One of Malachi's many different reading positions (whatever works, right?)

Karis and Asher find all sorts of creative things to do (a.k.a messes to make) while mommy is busy working with Malachi:

 Today, as an end of the unit celebration, we had some buddies over to play and ate lunch on our table.  It was also a perfect excuse to pull the toilet paper out and make ourselves into mummies once again.

Looking forward to learning about Ancient China, the Ancient Indus Valley, and Ancient Americas!

Monday, September 5, 2011

School Has Started!

We have been studying Ancient Egypt:  

We have also been learning the names of different landforms.  Here, Malachi is painting the salt dough map he made which is of an imaginary land that includes many of the landforms we have been studying.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Getting Into A Routine

Although we have not OFFICIALLY started school yet, we are practicing.  We have been getting into a new morning routine that will help us when school actually begins.  When I went to start our prayer and devotion time, I looked up at Asher and this is what he was doing: 

He could teach his brother and sister a thing or two. : )  I think he must have learned this in his little Honeybees class at church.  Don't ask me why he decided he needed to wear a toboggan and a life jacket to school, I have no idea.... but he sure looks cute!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


The first sunflower to pop out in our garden: 

and, our little sunflowers...

Karis Kicked It Out

Now, if we can just get her to kick the other loose one out too!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What do you think?

I think it is safe to say that Malachi is extremely excited about soccer starting!

Fish Tank

We studied fish in Science this week.  Along with our Science book, we read these fun books:

We found a great use for a fish tank, whose inhabitants have long been gone, at The Crafty Crow.

Always looking for an excuse to use permanent markers and swish our hands around in water, this craft was perfect for us.  One cut up milk jug and a few permanent markers later, we were busy!

Mr. Clean sponges and two-year-old's are a great combination.


On another day we made these fish with scales:

I guess Malachi was using his shark snacks to demonstrate the food chain:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More Math Fact Woes

Malachi closed himself up in the bathroom, free from noise and distractions, in order to do this math fact sheet.  However, there was nothing to help him get away from the distractions in his mind.  He spent 25 minutes in the bathroom and then came out with this paper.  I wonder how much of that time was spent writing this sentence or thinking about how he "ken not" do it?  I just had to laugh... and, as you can see, his declaration is false.  He really can do it and he does it very well when he is not trying to convince himself that he can't!  Oh, and this is the very first sentence he has written by himself.  Should I be proud or worried?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Twisty Straw, Target, and Trampoline

That's one way to do it!

We spent several days last week in math at our Target store: 

The kids love to jump on the trampoline with mommy. 

Asher's A: