Due to a bit of illness around our house, we had very unstructured school times. We just did a little of this and a little of that whenever we felt better and mom could fit it in.
We started our week with a trip to the library. It had been way too long since we visited. We came home with this pile of books which we read throughout the week (some multiple times).

Daddy read...

and mommy read...

Alphabet soup for the sick ones...

looking for the letter K ...

Salt writing...

Salt playing...

"Ball and Stick " writing ...

Separating letter pairs that are alike from those that are different ...

Matching letter mittens ...

Hopping from number to number in consecutive order...

Malachi's choice activity ...

Our new game: Rolling a large die, identifying the number, and
doing a certain form of physical activity that specific number of times.

#1 was my favorite: Watching them try to do a somersault
and inevitably falling into each other ...
good thing they only had to do one at a time!

Making ice cream cones ...

This weeks favorite was music ... making a laughing cup. Paper clip, 2 foot string/yarn, disposable cup. Hole in cup, string tied to paperclip, string thread through bottom of cup. Add a little water to the string and then rub fingers/hand along string. The result is a "laughing" sound that brought us lots of fun. Idea was found in an issue of our Family Fun Magazine and is based on a Brazilian instrument called a cuica.

Music turned into science when we made a "telephone" and discovered
how noise traveled along a tightly pulled string,
into our cups, and straight to our ears.

One day we went outside and traced our shadows ...
Don't ask me why they just had to wear their raincoats for this activity ...

We were supposed to check our shadows later that day,
but you moms know how things go ...
We didn't check them until the next day and saw that our shadows moved.
Though I'm not sure if the concept of the sun moving
actually penetrated their thoughts.

The shadow tracing was followed by stone collecting in order to
make stone soup like we read about in one of our books.

First the stones go in the pot ...

Then the broth ...

Everyone added a handful of noodles ...

A little bit of carrots ...

I think he is saying "too many cooks in the kitchen"...
Don't you just love the outfit that he borrowed from Karis?

The self-proclaimed "chef" had to serve the entree' himself ...

Yummy, Yummy!

And of course we had our share of a little bit of silliness ...

Play-dough, lacing cards, and an evening of
lots of silliness with our friend Cameron ...

Lots of leaves to do a little playing...

Another week completed ... only by a lot of God's Grace!