We focused on math this week, and incorporated our letter for the
week into our activities. Can you guess our letter?
Six pieces of string to make the number 6.

Seven-eyed, Silly monsters...
Malachi's creation:

Karis was pleased with hers too... though, due to her over-zealous
glue squeezing, hers is a 14-eyed, silly monster.

Making Spiders with 8 legs...

Keeping with the spider theme,
in Art we used string and chalk to make spider webs.
After securing a piece of string to a nail in a board, rub the string with chalk.

Pull tight over paper and "flick".

After mommy added the outside edges of the web by hand,
Malachi added the spider and... Viola!

Karis much preferred spraying the hairspray
to secure our chalk dust to the paper.

Back to math.... Using our sequence cards to discuss ordinal numbers...

Filling in shapes with our pattern blocks...

ssssssSSSSSSS...Snake Pattern.

The most delightful activity of the week was making patterns
on paper towels. The kids did not know what to expect, so the
end reveal was very exciting... even for mom!
First you fold a paper towel four times...

Then you dip each corner in colored water...

and unfold...

We loved this!
Only by the grace of God, another week completed!
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