Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy! Happy!

In Geography today we, first, reviewed the name, shape, and location of the continents.

Then, we focused on North America.  Staying close to home for now, we studied some children from within the United States.  In our Children Just Like Me book, we learned about a little girl from Los Angelas, a boy from New York City, and a little girl from Illinois.  After reading a bit about each one and their homes, the kids made a journal page entry of whatever child they chose.  First they drew a picture of their new "friend"  and then Mommy asked them questions about what they learned and wrote the answers below their picture for them.  Here the students are busy drawing:

Malachi and Karis' journal entries:

Asher was very excited to show daddy his "house":

Next we got ready to build a city, just like New York City  where one of our new friends lives.  Here the kids are coloring the front for our apartment building:

City-building in progress:

Completed city with our sky-rise apartment, many other buildings and skyscrapers, and tons of cars:
The children played with their city all throughout the day!

My favorite part of the day was this:

Everyday, while Malachi and Karis do their cutting and pasting, Asher and I work on learning to say new words.  One tool I use for this is some Bob the Builder Opposites Flashcards.  On each side of one card you will find an opposite.  Here is an example:
So, today in the midst of our city-building, Asher was focused on the cars.  All of a sudden I hear Asher saying, "Happy! Happy!"  I look up to see this:

He had found the Lofty toy car in our basket and was telling us all about it!

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