Monday, October 11, 2010

Field Trip: Diesel Locomotive

The week before last we studied steam locomotives in history.  This past week we were able to take a field trip to see a modern, diesel-run locomotive:

When we arrived, Mr. Tim took us across the tracks:

He even let us climb aboard! 

To our delight, we also got to ride a little bit, ring the bell, and blow the whistle.  Here, Asher is "driving" the train: 

In this picture, we are watching the bell ring:
  After our driving and riding, Mr. Tim showed us how the engine of a modern-day train is different from a steam locomotive.  No fire, or boiler in this train.. It has an engine, generator, and compressor:

He even showed us how the train stops.... 
...  and the signal switch to change tracks. 
We are so thankful that Mr. Tim gave us such a great tour!
Of course all this touring inspired us to get our big Christmas train out to play with.
Malachi soon figured out that our Christmas train is actually a steam locomotive, not a diesel-run train  like the one on our tour, since diesel-run trains don't need this: 
Thanks again Mr.Tim... We had a great time!

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