Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More Math Fact Woes

Malachi closed himself up in the bathroom, free from noise and distractions, in order to do this math fact sheet.  However, there was nothing to help him get away from the distractions in his mind.  He spent 25 minutes in the bathroom and then came out with this paper.  I wonder how much of that time was spent writing this sentence or thinking about how he "ken not" do it?  I just had to laugh... and, as you can see, his declaration is false.  He really can do it and he does it very well when he is not trying to convince himself that he can't!  Oh, and this is the very first sentence he has written by himself.  Should I be proud or worried?


Anonymous said...

This is hilarious, he reminds me so much of Cory! His math IS good, Pap Paw will be proud!
Love and miss, Aunt Mel

Melinda Speece said...

Proud, for sure!