Monday, February 1, 2010

In math this week we continued with the penny theme.
First we counted pennies and matched
them up with the correct cent amount.
Next, (and this was the winning activity of the week) we bought candy!
First we chose which candy to buy...
then we payed for it and ate it.
Watch out for the candy thief!
Dot starts with D so we tried some different things with dots.
We tried really hard to use a hole puncher to make dots on the letter d... This was hard work!  We only got a few dots made...
Play-doh dots were great for making the letter d... 
and for making a snowman (Karis came up with this).
Our dotted-giraffe had his own work: Putting objects into a bottle, dumping them out, and trying it again.  Lots of fun for a one-year-old!

In art we studied Georges Seurat and how he used dots of color (pointillism) to paint his masterpieces.
First we looked at several of his paintings in our books...
Then we drew our own pictures with a pencil.
When drawing was completed, we turned our pencils around and used the erasers to make dots.  We tried our best to follow Seurat's technique, but it is a lot harder than it sounds (at least for us).
This is as much as we could get done.
In our study of the letter D, we copied the word Daddy with all its D's...
and then drew pictures of Daddy too.
Dominoes is a fun D word....

In Geography, we went further in our study of North America and discovered the Sonoran Desert with its Jackrabbits and Gilla Monsters.

In Science, we talked about what a mammal is and how dolphins are mammals too (even though they act a lot like fish).  After our discussion, we watched some video footage of dolphins.
Then we sorted our animal puzzles into a non-mammal row and a mammal row.
And Mom's favorite of the week (I laugh everytine I see these pictures) was showing and reading D-words to the kids and having them act it out. 
They loved it, and I did too!

We are Praising God for His Grace and the completion of another week of school!

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