Monday, June 7, 2010

Birthday X2

We celebrated two birthdays this past week.  Asher turned 2 and Cory turned 32.  It made for a busy week, but we tried to have a special day for each of them.  Asher got Chuck-E-Cheese games and pancakes for lunch.  Cory got to sleep in and a big omelet breakfast.  

Apart from their actual birth-day celebrations, they shared a cake-day.  

Horse cupcakes for our horse-lover.  Here he is mesmerized by the people singing happy birthday to him.  Yes, that is a finger up his nose... a favorite resting place for the pointer finger when he is sucking his fingers.

Daddy got one of his favorites... 
chocolate cake layered with cheesecake bites...

Yummy, Yummy!

1 comment:

Andi said...

Happy Birthday Wilson Boys!!! Those cakes look absolutely delish :) Wish we could have been there to celebrate!