Tiptoeing on the letter T and t
All the kids were pretty excited about the "T" party
which included real tea and Fruit Loops.

Asher was especially happy about the Fruit

Gluing toothpicks on the letter T.
which lead to Toothpick Sculptures (a favorite activity around here).
Here is a Porcupine....
and a birthday cake.
In Math, Malachi had to name the missing shape
that Mommy hid while he closed his eyes.
What is missing? The large, yellow, rectangle!
Acting out a math story with our teddy bears:

Playing our favorite game: Getting pajamas on our Goodnight Bear.

The number one hit of the week: a right-before-bedtime music lesson.
Loving any excuse to be silly,
we danced with our scarves while listening to Mozart.
When the music was slow, we danced slowly.
When , it was fast, we went crazy!

Then we "drew" the music following the same rules we used for dancing.

We added a star since Mozart composed the
music to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Our finished products:
In Geography, we played with the talking globe we got from Papa
and the world puzzle from Aunt Jocelyn.
Pinpointing our continent:

In Science we explored our sense of touch with a "touching box".
Karis is trying to find something soft.
This was probably Karis' favorite activity of the week.
She can never stay away from a good, muddy, puddle.

They loved watching the water strain through the net and seeing
the mud or "poop" since "mud looks like poop, mommy" that remained.

In art we were supposed to make tree leaf prints using shoe polish. Liquid shoe polish didn't really work for that, which didn't matter since we found even more enjoyable things to do with our art mediums. Just covering our leaves in foamy liquid polish...


and writing... Malachi said, "look what I did mommy"... "Ta-Da

It's the process, not the product that matters, right?
Who needs leaf prints anyway, when you can have these masterpieces?

Asher had a very education-filled week.
Here he is pointing out, yet again, the horses he has found in a book.

At one point he had a self-taught and quite extensive language lesson in which
he practiced saying "mine" over and over again...

and of course silent sustained reading.
This is one of his three favorite spots.
The other two include the rocking chair in his room, with a book
and on top of the end table which is right by the window, looking outside.

The week ended for Karis
with a lesson in sorting sets (of clothing articles)
and clothes matching with Daddy and her dress-up doll.

Only by the grace of God, another successful week completed!