We had a lot of fun exploring with the letter R.
We drove our race cars through "mud" and then made tracks over our letters.

Good ole' play-doh is always fun too.

And since rainbow starts with R,
we made our R's look like one using Friut Loops.

In Math (or is it phonics?), we counted the letters in our R words
and put them on the appropriate number.

Most of the week in math we spent exploring shapes.
First we made "Rectangle Robots".

Malachi made a robot with a mysteriously multiplying cow head.

We matched shapes to create colorful turkeys.

We traced shapes,

cut shapes,

and best of all we made shapes on geoboards.

Malachi was very proud of his "tent".

In science we had fun with a rainbow of colored water.
We explored with medicine droppers...

coffee filters...

and pouring.

Though it was supposed to be an experiment in mixing colors, our biggest and most exciting discovery was that colored water tastes just like regular water. (This was NOT Mom's idea.)

In another science venture, we went rock collecting.

Malachi had to use his tools to excavate a big rock.


Our science venture turned into an art venture...

Our completed rock art:

We had a great ending to our week with the visit of our friend Jordan!
Everyone coloring together...

and, well, I'm not sure what this is about... but it was fun!

Only by the grace of God, another week successfully completed!
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