After a month long "Christmas School" (as Malachi called it and mommy translates as the "too much going on to have a set school schedule, and no time to blog" school), we are back to work!
But, as you can see from a re-decorated tree, the kids had a hard time letting go of the Christmas decorations. This tree is decorated with Karis' jewelry and is complete with gifts of favorite toys wrapped in bath towels. I had a laugh when I walked back to the room and saw what they had done while I was taking down the other decorations.

We started the week by making the letter N and n with noodles.

Then we wrote the letter N on circle stickers...

and went around the house sticking them on anything
that started with the "n" sound.

We were supposed to be making the letter N with our play-doh, but when I turned to see how Karis was doing, she was so proud of the O she had made.

Here, Malachi is making the number nine with neckties.

We used this activity to help Karis learn
that her birth date is the 19th of January.

In math, we also estimated how far 100 noodles would fill up a jar.

We were all WAY off!

We all had fun searching for, and circling, all the number 9's.

Then we counted backwards and blasted off like a space shuttle.

In geography, we looked at North America in our atlas. We specifically looked at The Rocky Mountains and some animals that are found there.

Then we taped pictures of the animals we found in our atlas onto our map.

In art appreciation we played a memory matching game
featuring Van Gogh, Matisse, and others.

Asher especially liked the American School painting of George Washington on a Charger. Nothing makes him happier than a picture of a horse.

In a later round of the game, I was able to capture
Karis' elation in finding a match.

The highlight of our week was visiting our friends and their new baby.

Our friends gave us this great pad of paper with paints and brushes, so we used their easel to have a session of art.

Asher's favorite part was stirring the water with the brush.

Their favorite (and mom's least favorite) extra-curricular activity was this:

Only by God's grace, another week completed!
Hi Jasmine! I've had so much fun looking at your blog. Lots of inspiration! Hope you guys are doing well. ~Blair
Hey Jasmine! Thank you so much for all the ideas! Hannah is only two...but, you had such fun practical things that I could do that would help me keep her busy during the day! I started do some of these things this week. We learned the color blue and then went on a walk to look for anything blue...the only thing we could find blue was trash...ha,ha.. maybe I should've started with green!
Thanks again!
Blair and Keri,
Thanks for viewing the blog... I am glad you all are having adventures of your own!- Jasmine
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