In math we played with pennies. Malachi enjoyed counting pennies and putting them into the Bear Bank.
Karis and Malachi tossed a penny to see if they got heads or tails and then marked it off on a tally sheet.
Science was a bit of a flop, but here is what we attempted: First we compared a pile of dirty pennies and a pile of clean pennies.
Then we put different liquids in cups to see which would clean the dirty pennies. We used water, soap water, vinegar, lemon juice, and lime juice. Here we are investigating the different liquids.
Then we placed a few dirty pennies in each cup and waited to see which pennies would come out clean.

Now this is where it all flopped. The kids lost interest when they had to wait so long to see what happened. And although the pennies were cleaner after this experiment than they were before, they were still pretty dirty. In order to be able to record our findings, I had to convince Malachi that the lemon juice, vinegar and lime juice worked to clean the pennies (at least better than the other liquids).
Karis had a better idea as to what to do with here findings:

Karis had a better idea as to what to do with here findings:
Moving on to the letter H...

Hairy H's...

Hopscotch... Malachi did this about, oh, one time.
Then he made an attempt to make his own hopscotch board...Hopscotch was not that fun to him, because he had much more exciting work to do... He worked on this all week. Here is day one:
And at the end of the week...
We listened to Handel's Messiah while water-painting these stain-glass coloring pages of a Nativity scene.

We played with our hand/number puzzle...
Then we traced our own hands. Here, Malachi told me that he is drawing bones and germs onto his hands.Finally, we numbered our fingers.

We ended our week by reading one of our new books, Mrs. Honey's Hat. (Thanks Aunt Mel!) This is a fun book with a real Mrs.Honey to act out the story. We used this activity to also review the days of the week.
We completed another week... only because God's grace is abundant!
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