Thursday, September 9, 2010

Then and Now: Streets

We are beginning our history studies this year with a look at how different things were "then" when compared to "now".  Using Usborne's Then and Now, we will spend several weeks looking at various aspects of life and comparing a picture from "then" to a picture of "now".  This week we looked at supermarkets and streets.  Following our discussion, we went outside to do some hands-on work.

First we rolled our very modern "now" strollers on a "now" street.

Then we kept on strolling onto an example
of a "then" street (a.k.a. our driveway).

Next, we drove our cars an a nicely paved road.

Then we turned our road into a
"then" road by adding dirt.

Since a little dirt wasn't enough for us, we used our train tracks as a road and placed it in our favorite dirt pile.

Dirt is always a favorite around here!

This was followed by baths for everyone... I am so glad we have a "now" bathtub!

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