Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday's Science

In Science this week, we made clouds.  We had a lot of fog on Sunday morning and Malachi was very interested in it, so we decided to discover what made fog happen.

First, we read some books about weather:

Then we poured some hot water in a jar:

Next, we covered the jar with a glass lid and put ice cubes on the lid:

It was really hard to see clouds forming in the jar.  Here, Karis is looking and looking, but no clouds could be seen.

We had to turn off the lights and lift the lid off the jar a little.  We used our flashlight to see the clouds.

We learned that it was foggy on Sunday because the ground was hot from the sun during the day, but then the temperature was a lot cooler at night.  So, when the cool air met the warm air/or water vapor from the ground... we got fog!

We recorded our findings for our science notebook:

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